
Autumn Scavenger Hunt

بسم الله الرحمان الريم
A dear sister of mine reminded me of the Autumn Scavenger Hunt we did last year with our weekly Islamic Home School Playgroup while we were still in the UK. It was so much fun but subhan'Allaah I completely forgot to share it on here.

This activity is really nice to do with a large group of children. We went to a local park, spread out and collected all or most of the items mentioned on the worksheet. During the hunt we talked about how Allaah created all these beautiful things, looked at the fascinating details of it and discussed how He brings life and death. Afterwards we sat down at the playground, had a picnic and the children showed each other what they found. 

Once we got home we made a Autumn Sensory box and some coloured home made play doh. My girls had lots of fun with it, making leaf prints and got all creative Allaahumma baarik. 

We really enjoyed this activity and hope you will too insha'Allaah!

Worksheet can be downloaded here insha'Allaah.

1 comment:

Ummu Maryam said...

Assalaam alaykum.
Aww... I remember this worksheet, I might still have it somewhere.
Missing you lots dear ukhtee!
Loving the websites new look,
May Allaah bless it for you