
We're......almost back!

بسم الله الرحمان الريم, first my sincere apologies for not posting for the last few months. But, we're back....or well... almost. Alhamdulillaah, Allaah has blessed us with the opportunity to perform hijrah for His sake and eventhough we've encountered many trials and hardships over the last few months, we feel truly blessed to reside in an Islamic country now. May He purify our intentions and accept this from us as an act solely done for His sake....Ameen!

I think the importance of making hijrah is often underestimated or one is simply not familiar with its rulings and obligations. I would like share some statements from our scholars concerning hijrah and I highly recommend to research and investigate the importance of hijrah if you haven't done so already insha'Allaah.

Hijrah and Residing in the Lands of Disbelieve - by Shaykh al-Albaanee
After listening to this clarification on hijrah from our dear Shaykh (rahimahullaah) our desire to perform hijrah grew stronger and we took serious steps towards realising it and alhamdulillaah by the Grace of Allaah we actualised it only a few months later.

Click here for more information on hijrah insha'Allaah

So, like I said we're ALMOST back...just bear with me for a little bit more, while we get settled and organised over here. Jazaakum Allaahu khayran!

1 comment:

Leyla said...

Assalamu alaykum! So glad to have you back! May Allaah reward you tremendously, it is often underestimated indeed! May He also ease your affairs and hope you are settled down soon!