
Eeny Meeny Miny Reminder - Teaching the child Kalimatut-Tawheed

From the book “Taribeeyatul-Awlaad fee Dhaw’il-Kitaab was Sunnah” (Educating the Children in the Light of the Book (Qur’aan) and the Sunnah), introduced by Ash-Shaykh, Al-Aalim, Ar-Rabbaaniyy (the educator) Saalih inb Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan (May Allah preserve him upon good) and prepared by Abdus-Salaam Ibn Abdillah Sulaymaan (May Allah preserve him upon good).

Point 12: Teaching the child the Statement of At-Tawheed (Tawheed is to single out Allah alone, in all acts of worship).

So the first of what the child begins with in speech, obligatory upon al-waalidayn (the father and mother), is teaching him Kalimatut-Tawheed, and to instruct to it. Ibn Abbaas (May Allah be pleased with his father and him) narrates that An-Nabiyy (the Prophet) (Allah’s peace and blessings upon him) said: ((Establish upon your children the first statement, Laa Ilaaha Illallah and instruct them at the time of death Laa Ilaaha Illallah)).

Umm Sulaym (May Allah be pleased with her), used to teach her son Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) to say: Laa Ilaaha Illallah (There is no god deserving of worship in truth except Allah). Say: I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and that was before Al-Fitaam (the end of 2 year suckling or nursing period of a baby from his mother).

It must be repeated in front of him, and this is pertaining to the mother and she plays with him. It then becomes habitual. To bring about understanding, she explains to him a simple explanation teaching him its meaning.

He knows that Allah is One, and He has no partner(s). He is Al-Khaaliq (The Creator). He is above the heavens, and He rises above His Arsh (Throne). He is fully aware (in sight and knowledge) over us and knowledgeable of our affairs. He hears and sees. Verily He is Al-Qaadir (His will and decree is over everything).

Trusting upon Allah becomes habitual and Allah is Ash-Shaafee (the One Who cures and gives good health). It is obligatory upon us to love Him and to worship Him. Likewise, the child is to be taught to love An-Nabiyy (Allah’s peace and blessings upon him), and to obey him. He is to be told something regarding his (An-Nabiyy) behaviour and his traits. That he loved children and played with them and similar to that of what she teaches him of their understanding.

It is repeated upon them: ((Who is your Lord? Who is your Prophet? What is your Religion?)) and ((Where is Allah?)).

He learns about love of the Companions (May Allah be pleased with them all) and the righteous (May Allah have mercy upon them). He memorises Al-Faatihah, Suratul-Ikhlaas and Al-Mu’awwidhatayn ( Suratul-Falaq and Suratun-Naas).

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