بسم الله الرحمان الريم
My dear sister Umm An-Nu'man from A Muslim Child is Born posted this really nice Arabic Letters Handwriting Workbook a while ago.
Quote: "This Arabic letters handwriting workbook provides children with the opportunity to shape each letter with play-doh, recognize each letter as it appears in isolation, in the middle of a word and at the end of a word. Children also practice writing each letter in each of the three above-mentioned forms. When done, children are given the opportunity to locate and identify each letter in actual words, helping to support letter recognition insha'Allaah."
Hop over to AMCIB to download your version insha'Allaah! Available in English, Dutch and French!
Assalaamu alaikoum wa rahmatullaah wa barakatuh my sister, this is Umm Yasmeen from wassap group (lol) I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Allahummah barik, it is very especial and motivating may Allaah reward you and purify your intention Alway I love you for the sake of Allah, jazakallaahu khayran!
Wa 'Alayki Salaam wa Rahmatullaahi ukhtee Umm Yasmeen!
Aww maa sha Allaah so kind of you to leave a comment *hug*.
Ameen to your dua and may the One for whom you love me, love you!
Wa anti fa jazaakAllaahu khayran.
Assalamu Alaikum!
I just stumbled across this blog from tumblr and I'm overwhelmed at all of the cool stuff on it.
May Allah reward you insha Allah :)
Wa Alayki Salaam ukhtee Fatema,
Jazaaki Alaahu khayran for your lovely comment! And Ameen to your du'aa.
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