
Eeny Meeny Miny Reminder - Showing Mercy Towards Children

بسم الله الرحمان الريم

Showing Mercy Towards Children is a Means of Achieving the Mercy of Allah

Excerpt from Umm 'Abdillah Al-Waadi'iyyah's
"My Advice to the Women"

Aboo Hurayrah narrated that the Messenger of Allah, salallahu 'alaihi wa salam, kissed Al-Hasan while Al-Aqra ibn Haabis at-Tameemee was sitting near him.  A-Aqra said, "Indeed I have ten children and I have never kissed any of them."  The Messenger of Allah looked at him and said,  "Whoever does not show mercy will not be shown mercy."  [Saheeh al-Bukhaari, 426/10]

To do.. & Done!

بسم الله الرحمان الريم
A simple, yet effective way to encourage your little learner throughout the home schooling day.

Print, cut and laminate and you're done! Use blu tack to move the subjects titles from one section to the other. Enjoy insha'Allaah!

Click to download: English version - Dutch version

Arabic Letters Handwriting

بسم الله الرحمان الريم
My dear sister Umm An-Nu'man from A Muslim Child is Born posted this really nice Arabic Letters Handwriting Workbook a while ago.

Quote: "This Arabic letters handwriting workbook provides children with the opportunity to shape each letter with play-doh, recognize each letter as it appears in isolation, in the middle of a word and at the end of a word. Children also practice writing each letter in each of the three above-mentioned forms. When done, children are given the opportunity to locate and identify each letter in actual words, helping to support letter recognition insha'Allaah."

We absolutely love this resource and use it all the time. If you are not familiar with her blog make sure to check it out, she has got looooooads of wonderful resources maa shaa' Allaah.

Hop over to AMCIB to download your version insha'Allaah! Available in English, Dutch and French!

Eeny Meeny Miny Reminder - You Will be Accountable O Parents and Teachers

بسم الله الرحمان الريم
You Will be Accountable O Parents and Teachers!

by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Jameel Zaynoo

So you must first of all reform yourselves, since good results form the good that you do, and bad results from the bad that you do. So good conduct from teachers and parents in front of the children is the best form of education and upbringing for them.

"O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from the Hellfire." [Sooratut-Tahreem 66:6]

Mothers, fathers, teachers, and the society as a whole, will all be accountable in front of Allaah about the tarbiyyah (education and upbringing) of this generation. If its tarbiyyah is good, then there will be happiness - both in this world and the Hereafter. If it is not, then there will be misery, and it will be a rope around your necks - since there occurs in the hadeeth: "Each of you is a shepherd, and each of you will be questioned about those who you are responsible for."{1}

But - O teachers - rejoice in the saying of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), who said: "By Allaah! That Allaah guides through you even a single person, is better for you than the most precious of camels." {2}

And - O parents - rejoice in the authentic hadeeth: "When a person dies, his actions are terminated except for three; a recurring charity, or knowledge that he leaves which is benefitted from, or a pious offspring who supplicates for him." {3}

So you must first of all reform yourselves, since good results from the good that you do, and bad results from the bad that you do.

So good conduct from teachters and parents in front of the children is the best form of education and upbringing for them. {4}

{1} Related by al Bukhaaree (13/111) and Muslim (no.1829)
{2} Related by al Bukhaaree (7/57) and Muslim (no. 2406)
{3} Related by Muslim (no. 1631)
{4} Kayfa Nurabbee Awlaadunaa (p. 2) of Shaykh Jameel Zaynoo

Weekly Home School Schedule

بسم الله الرحمان الريم
We will resume our Home schooling first week of September insha'Allaah. So, I designed a new, fresh and colourful Weekly Home School Schedule to have an easy overview of the week. 

Print the documents and cut the subject titles, laminate everything and that's it, you're done! Use a dry erase marker to note down the times and blu tack or velcro to attach the subject titles insha'Allaah. 

Note: We only do 7 subjects a day, but if you need more you can contact me by using the contact form on the right hand side bar insha'Allaah. Jazaakum Allaahu khayran!

Click to download: English version - Dutch version

Sensory Play - Mud Pie

بسم الله الرحمان الريم
Making mud pies is an amazing sensory activity and a great way to explore the natural environment that Allaah subhana huwa ta'ala has created.

Collect leaves, pebbles, sticks, berries, flowers (don't pick fresh ones but rather collect ones that are lying around on the ground) and whatever you can find! The possibilities are endless insha'Allaah!

All you need is: 
- plenty of mud
- bowls
- some old kitchen tools/cutlery
- leaves, flower, sticks, pebbles, seeds, acorns etc.

Pillars of Islaam - Handprint Craft

بسم الله الرحمان الريم
The other day I came across a lovely handprint painting of the 5 Pillars of Islaam by ukht Karima over at I decided to make my own version and use it for our weekly Islamic Homeschooling Playgroup. It was an easy-to-do and without-too-much-mess kinda activity which we all loved maasha'Allaah. Jazaaki Allaahu khayran sis Karima for your lovely idea.

Click to download - English version - Dutch version

Work box labels

بسم الله الرحمان الريم
The new school year is about to start insha'Allaah. Get organised with these printable work box labels. Print, cut, laminate and you're ready to go!

Click to download - English version - Dutch version

My Masjid Manners

بسم الله الرحمان الريم
Use "My Masjid Manners Chart" to encourage good behaviour when attending jumu'ah prayer or duroos at the masjid. Children receive a sticker when showing good manners. Reward them with a small gift when chart is full insha'Allaah. 

Click to download - Girl version - Boy version

Tip: Why don't you use these lovely "Mosques Around the World Fun Stickers" from SmartArk!

Ramadan Memory Game

بسم الله الرحمان الريم
For this game I used free Ramadan Flashcards which you can download at SmartArk's fun stuff section. I absolutely love SmartArk's products and printables, if you're not familiar with them yet please check it out at I'm sure you will love it just as I do inshaAllaah.

I printed the flashcards twice and chose a bright coral chevron background to use as backside of the cards which you can download here, but of course you can choose any design you like. Enjoy insha'Allaah!

Arabic Letter Hunt Game

بسم الله الرحمان الريم
Here's the printable for the Arabic Letter Hunt Game. Kids absolutely love this game. Hide the cards around the house or in the garden and let the hunt begin! Have fun insha'Allaah.

Click here to download

Arabic Letters Memory Game

بسم الله الرحمان الريم
This Arabic Letters Memory Game is a nice way to introduce and encourage recognition of the Arabic alphabet. Enjoyable for both child and adult insha'Allaah!

Click here to download